Nestled in the beautiful Trinity National Forest in Northern California is the ever popular Lake Shasta, created by the 2nd largest man-made dam in the US. As you glide along the beautiful waters, navigating any of the lake's four arms, watch for evidence of the old mining towns buried deep beneath 400 feet of water. A few old dwellings can still be found on some of the mountain sides, leftover from a life long forgotten. Travel up the Pitt Arm and view the tops of many trees that were never cleared away due to the unexpected start of World War II.
Perhaps one of the biggest draws to Lake Shasta is The Caverns. One in particular is Samwel Cave, located south of the McCloud Bridge. This cave was believed to contain magic from the pools in which the Indian Medicine Men would bathe. The history of Shasta Lake will find you some of the best sightseeing adventures in Northern California.
As you gaze upon the large beautiful mountain and forest scenery, look for the wildlife that is abundant in this massive National Forest. Some of the inhabitants include black tailed mule deer, bald eagles, osprey, ring tailed cat, and California black bear, though not often seen on your houseboat adventure. And let's not forget about the more than 20 species of fish!
Some of these types of fish include the land-locked king salmon, rainbow and brown trout, small and large-mouth bass, spotted bass, not to mention catfish, panfish, and even sturgeon. The Department of Fish & Game transplants 50,000 fish a year on average into Shasta Lake. With those odds, it's no wonder that Lake Shasta is voted the number one fishing lake in California. While checking in to pick up your houseboat or boat rental, be sure to get your fishing license online or at the marina store before you begin your adventure.
Boating enthusiasts consider Lake Shasta the number one lake for any water sports, from wakeboarding, waterskiing, jet skis, canoeing, kayaking, windsurfing, and of course swimming. The water is brisk in cooler weather but refreshing in the summer months, which helps make Lake Shasta also the best in water recreation.